Moon Sun Fire

108 Day Personal Practice App


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 Moon Sun Fire

108 Day Master Program.


Daily Practice to Master your Mind and Life.

Learn genuine Tantric Hatha Yoga and Meditation.

Ancient Science. Modern Results.

Rooted in the ancient science of Tantric Hatha Yoga, Moon Sun Fire is a complete system to cultivate inner peace, clarity, potency and ultimately, Self-mastery.

Evolve your practice one day at a time, through committed self-effort, just as the sages did. You will be guided every step of the way, learning the essential methods and complimentary philosophy to orchestrate your own liberation, transformation and evolution both on and off the mat.

What you'll learn

Learn The Ancient Science of Tantra

Explore key concepts and methodologies of the tradition

Powerful Asana Practices

Liberate energy and gain mental steadiness and ease

Pristine Savasanas

More than just a resting pose. Access effortless awareness connected to your higher Self.

Guided Pranayama Practices

Increase your energy levels, balance your nervous system and awaken higher perception.

Guided Tantric Meditations

Transform your perception with powerful mind-tools and move your mind into stillness.

Go beyond the Mind

Anchor yourself to the wisdom, light and joy of your own infinite nature.

For more info and to purchase the App please visit: